Cattle and sheep pay attention to prevention and treatment of Fasciolasis

2020-10-15 16:46:02 Dy

Sheep&Cattle Farming | GREAT FARM

Fascioliasis is one of the main parasitic diseases in cattle and sheep, and attention should be paid to prevention and treatment in autumn. Fasciola parasites in the liver bile ducts of ruminant livestock, can cause acute or chronic hepatitis and cholangitis, can cause systemic poisoning and nutritional disorders, and the harm is quite serious. Especially sheep, can cause a large number of deaths and cause heavy losses to farmers.

Epidemiology: Adults of Fasciola exudates a large number of eggs in the bile duct of animals, enter the digestive tract with bile, and are excreted with feces. The eggs form metacercaria through miracidia and cercariae, and finally develop into adults in the abdominal cavity and bile duct of cattle and sheep. The disease is endemic. It is more common in livestock grazing in low-lying and marsh areas. The epidemic period is mostly in autumn.

Clinical symptoms: Fascioliasis often manifests as depression, elevated body temperature, reduced or stopped food, anemia, jaundice, etc. The main manifestations of cattle are gradual weight loss, coarse coat, easy to fall off, reduced appetite, and abnormal rumination. Then, there will be periodic rumen bulging or foregastric relaxation, diarrhea, slow movement, and weakness. In the later stage, edema appears in the jaw and under the chest, and the touch has a fluctuating or dough-like sensation. It is painless and heatless, and is highly anemia. If they are not treated in time, they will eventually die from extreme weakness.


To get rid of Fasciola in cattle and sheep, effective drugs include thiochlorophenol, nitrochlorophenol, carbon tetrachloride and so on. To prevent this disease, the following work should be done:

1. Deworming in time. The spread of this disease mainly comes from sick animals and carriers. Therefore, deworming is not only a treatment measure, but also an active preventive measure. In the northern part of my country, the insects should be dewormed twice a year at the end of autumn and early winter and the end of winter and early spring.

2. Manure treatment. The feces in the livestock house should be removed every day, and the feces and insect bodies discharged after deworming should be strictly treated.

3. Eliminate the intermediate host. The eradication of snails in grazing areas, combined with the construction of water conservancy and reconstruction of low-lying land and other measures to change the living conditions of snails. In addition, chemical drugs can be used to kill snails, such as schistosomiasis 67 and copper sulfate. The method of pesticide application can be divided into immersion killing and spray killing. Waterfowl can also be raised to eliminate snails.

4. Pay attention to drinking water and forage hygiene. Fascioliasis is mostly prevalent in low-lying and humid areas. Cattle and sheep are most likely to swallow forage with metacercaria when they eat grass or drink water. Therefore, they should choose higher and dry areas for grazing as much as possible. Animals drink tap water, well water or flowing river water, and keep the water source clean to prevent infection.

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