Main points of lamb fattening technology

2020-12-18 14:00:57 dy

Lambs are provided with high-quality forage feed starting from the age of 2 months, and through strengthened feeding management, by the age of 4 to 6 months, the weight can reach more than half of the annual sheep, and it can be slaughtered and marketed. At this time, lamb meat is high in protein and low in fat, fresh and juicy, not mutated or greasy, rich in nutrients, and good breeding efficiency. The comprehensive technical measures are as follows:

Lamb fattening

1. Take colostrum as soon as possible. Lambs should be eaten as soon as possible after birth and eat enough colostrum to strengthen their physical fitness and immunity, laying the foundation for intensive fattening in the future. Lambs with good physical fitness can find their nipples and eat colostrum after they are born; for weak lambs, necessary artificial assistance is needed.

2. Start early and feed early. Lambs are capable of ad libitum feeding after 10 days. At this time, it is necessary to consciously train lambs for feeding. Choose fresh grass, hay or silage that has high nutritional value and is easy to digest, and make appropriate preparations, such as guillotine, shredding, chaff, pelleting, etc., to feed lambs and provide appropriate concentrated feed. You can also mix carrots with concentrate to induce lambs to start eating. Large-scale sheep farms can use high-quality milk replacers to attract food. The remaining fodder after the lamb is fed is fed to the ewe to prevent waste. In this way, after a period of time, the lamb will search for food by itself. Slowly, the rumen of the lamb will begin to develop, the function will gradually improve, and the lamb can eat forage freely.

3. Appropriate feed for the late lactation. After the lamb is 2 months old, the ewe's milk production gradually decreases, and the lamb should be supplemented. Free access to coarse feed, such as high-quality green hay, ground straw feed, silage, etc., supplemented with 2 tons of mixed concentrate, 100 to 200 grams per meal. In terms of management, always keep the sheep house, sports field, and supplementary feeding trough clean and dry, warm in winter and cool in summer, not leaking wind and snow in winter, and shelter from wind and rain in summer.

4. Weaning and grouping. One week before weaning, appropriately reduce the supply of concentrate for lactating ewes, and feed less green and succulent feed to reduce the lactation rate to prevent mastitis after weaning. When the lamb is 1.5 to 2 months old, the ewe can be removed and weaned at one time. After weaning, lambs are fed and fattened in groups according to sex, physical strength, and individual size, except for those reserved for breeding.

5. Choose fattening lambs. Lambs for rapid fattening are best born of early maturing ewes. Multiple births and fast growth are the best breed choices. In addition, using fast-growing rams with the first generation of hybrids born from local ewes has obvious heterosis and is the best choice for fast-growing lambs.

The fast-growing ram breeds include Taoset, Boer goat, etc., which can be used for artificial insemination of local ewes with their semen pellets, and all hybrid lambs born are used for rapid fattening. In addition, local ewes are generally bred in estrus in autumn, and lambing is born 5 months later, in winter or early spring next year. This is the time when high-quality forage grass is not available. It is necessary to make plans early in the year to prepare enough high-quality forage.

6. Supplement feeding in time after grazing. Lambs fattened by grazing and supplementary feeding can start to graze in the wild from March to May in spring. Choose high-quality pastures, leave early and return late, and graze all day long. After harvesting or in the withered grass season, the mixed concentrate should be supplemented appropriately, and 40-100 grams per day according to body weight. The mixed concentrate formula can be prepared according to the actual local conditions. Such as: corn 55%, soybean meal 33%, yeast powder 2%, bran 8%, salt 1%, sodium hydrogen phosphate 1%. It is best to make the mixed concentrate into pellets, and use the whole corn directly without breaking it.

7. House feeding and fattening. When green fodder is used for fattening, green hay, corn stalks, etc. are cut short and crushed and then eaten freely. Rough fodder such as rice straw and wheat straw with high crude fiber content should preferably be alkalized, ammoniated, expanded Use after treatment. In the late fattening period, silage can also be used. The key to house feeding and fattening is to supplement the concentrated feed after freely ingesting green roughage such as hay. The formula of supplementary feed can refer to: 66% corn, 22% cakes, 8% bran, 1.5% bone meal, 1.5% salt, 1% urea, and add appropriate amount of trace elements and multivitamins. According to the weight, add 500 to 900 grams per day and drink freely.

8. Strengthen the management of fattening lambs. Before fast fattening, lambs are fed with 0.2 mg/kg body weight of Chongbuxin and 10 mg/kg body weight of levamisole hydrochloride to expel parasites in and out of the body to ensure safety during the fattening period. Before fattening, make a good feed storage and processing plan, and actively promote the alkalization, ammoniation, silage, and expansion of roughage processing technologies to ensure that the feed is constant and not changed during the fattening period. Ensure adequate, clean, and safe drinking water. The pens are often cleaned, disinfected and kept hygienic. Depending on the fattening of the lamb and the market conditions, it will be sold out at the right time.

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