Practical technology

  • Key points of sheep disease prevention and control

    Establish a strict disinfection systemThe production area is strictly separated from the office area. There is a disinfection tank at the entrance and the entrance of the production area.

    2020/11/03 Dy

  • How to estimate the weight of a cow? Can be estimated with formula

    In order to raise the fattening cattle scientifically, the weight of the fattening cattle must be accurately grasped. It is most accurate to measure the weight of a cow with a platform scale. If there

    2020/10/31 Dy

  • The calculation method of cow's due date

    In order to arrange the production reasonably, properly raise and manage the pregnant cows at different stages, so as to make prenatal preparations, the expected date of delivery of the cows must be c

    2020/10/31 Dy

  • What to do if the cow has no milk after giving birth?

    Insufficient qi and blood in postpartum cows, resulting in little or no milk, collectively referred to as lack of milk, also known as no milk or no milk. Cows lack milk after giving birth, leading to

    2020/10/31 Dy

  • Farm planning technology for beef cattle breeding district

    Beef cattle breeding districts are usually set aside by local townships and villages. Individuals invest in building cattle farms, raising them in separate households, and collectively investing in th

    2020/10/30 Dy

  • Methods to improve the quality of cattle feed silage

    1. Control the moisture of silage raw materials. When the moisture content of silage raw materials is between 65% and 70%, it is most ideal for silage of most silage crops. For this reason, the silage

    2020/10/29 Dy

  • 4 signs of childbirth for pregnant cows

    Under normal circumstances, a cow will give birth after a gestation period of about 280 days. A series of changes will occur in the reproductive organs and pelvic parts of cows during the pre-parturit

    2020/10/29 Dy

  • Comprehensive nursing techniques for cows after delivery

    Cows lose more water after delivery, so they should be fed with warm and sufficient bran, salt, and calcium gruel about 15 kilograms (1-2 kilograms of bran, 100-150 grams of salt, Calcium carbonate 50

    2020/10/29 Dy