
  • What technical equipment does the dairy farm need to prepare?

    Cowshed facilities and equipment Generally, the main facilities in the cattle house include: cow bed and tethering equipment, feeding equipment, drinking water equipment, manure cleaning equipment, and other related facilities such as the playground outside the house.

    2021/07/17 dy 37

  • Sheep house construction of goat farm design

    Goat farm design should fall in the high and dry, good drainage, sunny place. Sheep pen on the ground more than 20 centimeters of above ground. Building materials should be on the job. The total demand is strong, warm and well ventilated.

    2021/06/03 dy 281

  • High-efficiency goat breeding management method

    1. Build a houseSheep sheds should be selected in the center with high dry terrain and sunny leeward, with a feeding area of 10-20m2 in front of the sheds, with fixed feeding troughs and drinking uten

    2021/05/18 dy 72

  • What should I pay attention to when raising sheep after the summer? Master 4 points

    After the summer, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and proper adjustments should be made to raising sheep, such as breeding and management. The key point is to prevent heat stress and mos

    2021/05/10 dy 71

  • What causes cow lameness? How to prevent it?

    In the process of dairy cow breeding, lameness will inevitably occur. This does not have a great impact on dairy cows, but it will affect the health of dairy cows and reduce production. In order to ensure the stable and good benefits of dairy farming and the healthy growth of dairy cows, farmers should pay attention to the causes of lameness in dairy cows and preventive strategies, which can effectively reduce the occurrence of lameness in cattle.

    2021/05/10 dy 99

  • How to fatten goats quickly?

    The fattening of goats is to obtain high-quality and high-volume mutton at low cost in a short period of time. The fattening methods in my country can be divided into grazing fattening, house feeding

    2021/05/07 dy 350

  • Goat scientific feeding method

    1. Scientific ingredientsTwo more practical feed formulas are introduced as follows: (1) Corn flour 45%, rice bran 20%, bean cake 10%, cottonseed cake 15%, wheat flour 12%, bean cake 30%, salt 1%, fis

    2021/05/07 dy 77

  • How to improve the efficiency of sheep raising?

    Sheep is a herbivore. Compared with other domestic animals, it uses very rich feed resources. However, compared with pigs and chickens, it requires a longer feeding cycle. Therefore, how to reduce feeding costs has become the key to the success of large-scale sheep raising. In the process of mutton sheep breeding, the rational use of feed is a very critical technology, and reducing feeding costs is the key to increasing the profit of the sheep breeding base. So is there any way to effectively reduce feed costs?

    2021/03/08 dy 92