
  • When will the cattle be bred?

    Cattle breeding is a very important part of the breeding farm. It is the most important step to ensure the sustainability of breeding. Breeding is a science from the breed of cows and bulls to the sem

    2021/01/19 dy 52

  • What should I pay attention to when raising cattle in the cold season?

    1. Insulation. The weather in winter is relatively cold, so we need to heat the cowshed. First of all, we must carefully check whether the cowshed is damaged when the winter is about to enter, and rep

    2021/01/13 dy 56

  • What should I pay attention to when feeding cattle?

    Cattle breeding is an important breeding industry in our country. With the continuous development of society, the degree of large-scale breeding is getting higher and higher, but it is accompanied by

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  • How to raise cows during lactation?

    The main problem to be solved during the breeding period of lactating cows is how to increase the milk production of the cows, so that sufficient milk can be provided to the calves, and the cows need to consume more nutrients during the lactation period than during pregnancy. There are many other growth periods. During this period, there are generally four stages. Each stage of feeding has certain differences. The following is a detailed introduction for everyone. In addition, the medication during cattle breeding is also reasonable and principled. In terms of breeding management, special care is needed in the cold season to keep the cows healthy and cold.

    2021/01/13 dy 45

  • What should I do if a new born lamb can't stand up?

    Sick sheep can be placed in a spacious and ventilated barn to restrict movement. Then treat as follows:1. Add oats or barley sprouts to the diet, supplement calcium phosphate, and also mix in vegetabl

    2021/01/12 dy 60

  • What is the reason why a new born lamb can't stand up?

    People who often raise sheep sometimes inevitably encounter a situation in which a new born lamb cannot stand up somehow. Faced with this situation, everyone is really anxious, but what causes it? How to solve it? Let's take a look together.

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  • What should be paid attention to when raising newborn lambs?

    Since newborn lambs are still relatively young, their adaptability and disease resistance are weak, and breeding management needs to be strengthened. In addition, at the same time, care should be taken not to frighten the lambs, and to improve a healthy and good living environment. For those with insufficient milk from the ewe, we must promptly feed them according to the actual situation.

    2021/01/12 dy 67

  • How to raise newborn lambs?

    Since newborn lambs are still relatively young, their adaptability and disease resistance are weak, and breeding management needs to be strengthened. In addition, at the same time, care should be taken not to frighten the lambs, and to improve a healthy and good living environment. For those with insufficient milk from the ewe, we must promptly feed them according to the actual situation.

    2021/01/12 dy 57