
  • Why doesn't the cow eat long?

    1. Variety issues. There are many reasons why cows can’t eat long. For example, the problem of cow breeds. Sometimes the breed you choose is not very long. So no matter how you feed it, its growth rat

    2020/10/28 Dy

  • What should novices pay attention to when raising cattle?

    When breeding, in order to prevent the invasion of pathogens, it is necessary to avoid reference by outsiders. There must be a disinfection tank in each breeding area, and the disinfectant must be replaced regularly. Staff should also pay attention to disinfection when entering the farm. In particular, some foreign personnel and vehicles are not allowed to enter and leave at will to prevent the carrying of germs. Must be thoroughly disinfected before entering to create a sterile breeding environment.

    2020/10/28 Dy

  • How to build a cattle farm?

    Cattle breeding is a project with a good prospect, but Yang Haoxiu is not as simple as imagined. When raising cattle, we must make full preparations and master the required techniques to better raise cattle. Now the beef market is relatively large, so many novice farmers have appeared. When a novice raises a cow, there are actually many things we need to pay attention to.

    2020/10/28 Dy

  • Keep good sheep in late autumn

    Pay attention to avoiding frost. Shepherd sheep in autumn. When there is frost, go out late and return late. When there is no frost, go out early and return late. Try to extend the grazing time. Autum

    2020/10/28 Dy

  • Precautions for wintering lamb

    Pay attention that suckling lambs are most likely to die in the first 10 days after birth. This is mostly caused by lambs not eating well.

    2020/10/27 Dy

  • Causes and prevention of caprine acidosis

    Sheep acidosis can be said to be a relatively common disease in the process of raising sheep, and most sheep farmers will encounter it.

    2020/10/27 Dy

  • Disease control of newborn lambs

    Disease prevention and control of newborn lambs 1 week after birth, lambs are prone to dysentery, and comprehensive measures should be taken to prevent them.

    2020/10/27 Dy

  • Meat goat breeding technology

    1. Selection of fine breeds Choose local black goats with strong adaptability.2. Sheep Shelter Selection The location of the sheep farm should meet the requirements of GB/T 18407.3. The environmental

    2020/10/26 Dy